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My Mizo Soup

Updated: Jan 19

As the days grow colder and icicles decorate my patio, my thoughts turn to something that can warm me up from the inside out. Piling on sweaters and blankets helps, but sometimes I need to stoke my inner flame. 

I'm looking for something healthy yet not too heavy—something to sip in the afternoon when I tire of tea. Something that’s light enough for lunch or a perfect dinner starter. Something to give my immune system a boost as my body works overtime to stay warm...And then it comes to me: Mizo Soup. 

It’s been a while since I used Mizo paste, so I start scanning recipes while checking the contents of my fridge and pantry. Carrots, onions, celery, tofu, fresh basil, and some French beans that are starting to get mushy. 

And so, the Mizo soup adventure begins! 

While not a traditional Japanese Mizo soup, I borrowed their wonderful, gentle flavors and prized fermented soy paste to put together a soup that I find quite delicious and very satiating. 

If there's one thing I've learned about cooking, especially as grocery prices rise, it's that sometimes we have to adapt a recipe to avoid another costly trip to the store to “pick up a few things.” That's my first rule of thumb, and the second is to try to add as many healthy ingredients to a recipe as possible—within reason, of course. So, I also found some ginger root, which contains gingerol, a natural component of ginger that aids digestion. 

I'm excited about this recipe and anticipate not only being warmed by it, but also digesting well between the fermented Mizo and fresh ginger root. Plus, it boasts a variety of veggies and a healthy protein—tofu. So, it's a win-win. 

The Recipe

(All these ingredients can be adjusted, so feel free to play with this recipe according to what you have and what you like. My only caution is that Mizo can be very salty, so taste your soup as you go along.) 


3 large carrots 

2 celery stalks 

A handful of green beans

½ onion 

4 or 5 cloves of garlic 

1 inch ginger root 

1 loaf of firm tofu (Chicken also works well!) 

1 carton of organic chicken or vegetable broth (optional- I used broth for more flavor and nutrients.) 

2 heaping tablespoons Mizo paste 

1 pack of Pho noodles (or other rice noodles)

Spring onions and fresh basil to garnish 

The Steps

Thinly slice the garlic, celery, carrots, onions, and any other veggies you are using. I used a mandolin to get them very thin. 

Sauté these ingredients together with the finely diced ginger on low heat till tender. 

Add the chicken or vegetable broth, then refill the carton about half way with water and add that as well. (Add water as needed.) 

Add the Mizo paste.

Simmer soup lightly for about 20 minutes. 

Sauté the diced tofu till golden brown. Set aside.


Meanwhile prep the noodles by letting them soak in boiling water for 2 minutes, stir and rinse. Set aside. (Pic is of noodles before they have been soaked.)

When soup is ready add the tofu. Serve the hot soup over the rice noodles and garnish with spring onions, and basil. 

Enjoy! Stay warm and healthy!


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